Saturday, September 16, 2006

Final PRPD Update

Former PRPD President Marcia Alvar was honored with a lifetime achievement award. Bill Siemering introduced her. It was good for everyone to hear about some of those early days in public radio when its founding principles were being developed and first put in practice.

Interesting contrast to be handing out lifetime achievement awards and wrestling with the uncertain future presented by new technologies at the same conference. Perhaps the future would look more certain if public radio applied the collective wisdom gained in the past to today's challenges.

Public radio knows quite a bit about starting small, having lots of enthusiasm and not enough resources, and still developing a significant public service. We've done it before.

The listeners and their content needs have not changed. More important, public radio's understanding of those listeners and its expertise in creating that content has not changed.

It might be called "new media" but the most important lessons we learned from our "old medium" still apply.


Blogger RadioSutton said...

Aaron -- I think you got it right when your wrote this:

"...pubradio producers like a certain style of ambient sound that influences their entire view on how they produce the content."

The PRPD presentation included a quote from Morning Edition Exec Producer Ellen McDonnell about writing a good story first and then adding sound. Her point is that the words tell the story. It's a good rule of thumb that will have the rare exception.

Perhaps this is the way to think about it: Sound writing first, ambient sound second

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear too much ambiant sound inserted for no reason. If you are at a protest march, then the chants of the protesters bring the listener to the event. If you are doing a story about highway safety and you have the sounds of cars going by, that's boring and unnecessary.

4:14 PM  

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