Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rich Media Ad Formats

You know those on-line ads that popover the web page you just loaded? The ones that are animated and jump all over your screen or follow along as you try to scroll away from them?

They are called animated overlay, or floating, ads. They are sometimes called "takeover" ads and they are among a new breed of "rich media ad formats."

These ads end up on your screen because the web site owner, the content provider, has placed them there. They make money by obliterating the content you are seeking. They literally take away what you want in an attempt to get you to buy something. And they often have nothing to do with why you went to that web site in the first place.

They are the Internet version of public broadcasting pledge drives.


Blogger RadioSutton said...

Your points are well-taken Aaron. I was coming at it from the perspective that you know the content is there, you can see it, but you are being blocked from it.

6:26 AM  

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